Publishing Articles

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Web Administrator December 3, 2018 1220 views

Article Categories

You can use categories to define sections of your site and group related articles. In YumpeeCMS, articles can be categorised using either the Category Index page or the Article Blog Index Page.


Setting a Category Index Page

The Category Index page is a predefined page of yumpeeCMS that is used to present blog categories in a summarised indexed format.

To Add a category index page; take the following steps;

Step 1: Hover your cursor over the Web menu option in the left hand navigation menu and in the fly-out menu, click the Pages menu.


Step 2: Fill in the details of the page and importantly, choose the Blog Category Index as the Template .


Step (3): Click on Save to publish the page to the user on the website.


Setting a Blog Article Index Page

The Blog Article Index page is a predefined page template of yumpeeCMS that is used to present blog articles in a summarised indexed format.

To Create an Blog Article index page; take the following steps;

Step 1: Hover your cursor over the Web menu option in the left hand navigation menu and in the fly-out menu, click the Pages menu.


Step 2: Fill in the details of the page and importantly, choose the Blog Article Index as the Template


Step (3): Click on Save to publish the page to the user on the website.


Publishing your article to the Web

Articles are like posts that encourages conversation on the website. Although you can disable the Auto approve Comments on your website from the Settings. Articles on YumpeeCMS are of 3 types namely; Standard, Video and Audio.

This section explains how articles are been assigned to a Blog Article Index Page that has already been created as explained above.

You can assign an article to a blog article index page, in the following steps;

Step 1: Hover your cursor over the Blog menu option in the left hand navigation menu and in the fly-out menu, click the Articles menu. You will be presented with a page


Step 2: Enter the correct details as appropriate

  • Title: This is where you write the title of the post.

  • Article Type: This has a dropdown of all the Article types- Standard, Video and Audio. Choose one

  • Featured Video/ Audio URL: The link to the directory of your video or audio

  • Featured Image: upload a featured image, either from your local system or your image Directory.

  • Thumbnail: Upload a thumbnail image- thumbnail is a small image that represents a larger image (when clicked on).

  • Date Published: Input a date that you would want displayed on your site as the date the article was published

  • Lead Content: A custom excerpt that serves as a summary of the whole page

  • Body Content: The main content of the article that will be published


Step 3: When you scroll down to the end of the page, you will see the page with following

  • Category: The categories created within the website are listed here, separated by Check boxes. Check the box of the category that you wish to assign to your article

  • Blog Index: The Blog Article Index pages created within the website are listed here, separated by checkboxes. Check the box of the Blog index Page that you want to assign your article to.

  • Input other details as applicable within the article page


Step 4: Click on Save to publish your article on your website. Scroll down to see the list of created Articles on your website.

Note: For your article to be published on your website; the published checkbox on the article page must be checked.


Adding Comments and Feedback to your articles

A blog article gives opportunity for conversation within the website. This is achieved using a comment box; where a website user can drop comments. This section explains how comments box are added to an article for website users.

This is explained in the following steps;

Step 1: Hover your cursor over the Web menu option in the left hand navigation menu and in the fly-down menu, click the Templates menu. You will be presented with a page


Step 2: Scroll down, and click on the “Blog Details” edit icon


Step 3: You will be presented with a page .

Under the comment widget, enter the display order, check the “enable on Template, Change the “Position” to Bottom and click on Save


Step 4: Refresh the a Blog Detail page to see the updates. See the Screenshot below


Tagging articles

Articles created with Yumpee can have tags associated with them. Tag articles makes it possible to group articles that may have a related topic. The following describes how to create Tags using YumpeeCMS.

  1. Create a tag name in Blog ->Tags.

  2. When creating an article, you will be able to search for the tag that has been created in the 'Search for tags' field.



Building a subscription list

With YumpeeCMS, you do have the ability to build a subscription list for your website. The subscription list features means that non-registered members of your site could save their information into your site's database. Subscription list information could then be downloaded or used for further processing within the system.


Permissions on Articles

In YumpeeCMS you are able to determine if a user needs to login to view a particular article by setting the 'Require Login to view' field to 'Yes'.