Roles and Permissions

Notice : For a more comprehensive and organised Guide, get the YumpeeCMS System Administrator Guide PDF for $19.95
Web Administrator December 3, 2018 1246 views

Creating Roles in YumpeeCMS

In YumpeeCMS, you can create specific roles and assign menu access to these roles. When users are created, you have the option of assigning which roles they will belong to.

To create a new role, go to System->Users and select the Roles tab


Once the form has been filled, click on the 'Save' button to create the defined role.


Creating Roles based Menus

YumpeeCMS gives you the ability to create new menus from already existing links in the system or for forms created. One of the benefit of this is that when deploying YumpeeCMS, you can also change the menus to reflect a more related menu titles whether globally or for a role.


In the previous screenshot, you can see Baby & Children, Community and Post Ads submenus setup in YumpeeCMS. These are not standard menus but can be created 'on the fly'. This section shows steps to create custom menus

  • Go to System->Settings and under the Backend section, Set the Custom Backend Menus to 'Yes'

  • Go to Manage Admin Menus and create a new Menu


Assigning User Roles and Access Permissions

To assign a menu to a user role in YumpeeCMS take the following step.

  • As an administrator go to Manage Admin Menus go to the Role Permissions tab.

  • Select the role to which you wish to assign a menu and Apply this action.

  • Go to the System ->Users page , edit the user and choose the role for this user.


When next the user logs into the system, the user will see the new set of menus.